Latest Camps

Welcome to The Graham Stack Soccer Academy

Soccer Camps and Weekly Sessions for Outfield Players and Goalkeepers.

The GSSA provides a safe environment for players, girls and boys; to be able to enjoy football training whilst having the opportunity to learn and develop new skills and meet new friends.

FA Qualified coaches, CRB Certified and First Aid

Watch our video

What we offer players

The Graham Stack Soccer Academy is a football academy for boys and girls aged 5-12 of all abilities. The camps are driven by a group of experienced, enthusiastic coaches who work tirelessly and thoughtfully to help children enjoy exercise while playing football. We want to help teach your children the basics of football and the physical fundamentals whilst giving them opportunities to learn new skills. We want your children to feel part of an academy that isn’t focused on trying to find the next superstar but to make children leave each day with a huge smile on their face, having grown in confidence, had lots of fun and met new friends.

As a father of four I am very aware of the challenges and frustrations parents face with the distractions of mobile devices and screen time at home. I really believe this is an amazing opportunity for children to limit this whilst they having a chance to play football in a safe environment and wonderful outdoor space.


Meet Graham Stack

Find out more about Grahams goalkeeping career,
his coaching and his certificates here.

Contact Us

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Graham has great enthusiasm and energy when working with players and uses his personality and experience to get the best out of individuals

Jim Hicks, (FA Coach/Tutor)

Grahams sessions are always well organised and packed with fun

Mr Jimmy Simpson, Head of PE, St Joan of Arc, Rickmansworth

Sonny has enjoyed every session and both me and my husband feel he has made huge improvements as a keeper

Claire , Parent, Chorleywood
The GSSA are extremely excited and grateful to announce we will be teaming up with Holywell skip hire. 
We are delighted to be given the support from a local business that will assist us to grow as an academy and help develop young children in the community as players and people.